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Call for Papers
Submission Types
Abstract Submission
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Organising Committee


All paper submissions should be in the English Language and submitted in MS Word or compatible formats, together with a separate MS Word file which consists of one paragraph of brief introduction about the presenter and his/her photo (if possible).


  • A4-sized paper
  • Maximum 10 pages (including abstract, referencing, graphics & tables)
  • File size not exceeding 2 MB
  • Click here to download Formatting Guidelines
  • Click the link below to download the full refereed paper template:
    Full refereed paper template
Full refereed papers should contain the following*:
  1. Title

  2. Author(s)
  3. Background including reference to appropriate literature
  4. The research and/or issue under consideration
  5. Methodology (theoretical positioning of the research) and method(s) of data collection and analysis
  6. Discussion
  7. Reference list
*Where papers are conceptual/analytical rather than empirical, it is recognised that not all the above sections will apply.

Full papers will be double blind reviewed by reviewers selected by the Conference Organising Committee. Proposals for full refereed papers will be reviewed against the criteria of originality, quality, relevance and standard of writing/presentation. The outcome of the review process will be that each paper is:
  • Accepted as is;
  • Accepted with minor revisions;
  • Accepted as a non-refereed showcase presentation; or
  • Rejected
Where revisions are required, authors will need to complete these within the time allocated.

It is anticipated that full refereed papers will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation which will include 5 minutes for questions and discussion.


All papers accepted in the refereed paper category will be published online once they are revised appropriately and placed on the TTLC website. Submissions which do not follow the formatting guidelines will be returned to authors and may not be reviewed. Selected papers will be published as book chapters or in the recommended journals.


(a) Poster Proposal
  • A4-sized paper
  • Proposals should not exceed 2 pages
  • File size not exceeding 2 MB
  • Click here to download Formatting Guidelines
  • Click the link below to download the poster paper template:
    Poster proposal template
Poster proposals should explain how they fit the conference theme(s) and may contain the following*:
  1. Title

  2. Author(s)
  3. Background including reference to appropriate literature
  4. The research and/or issue under consideration
  5. Methodology (theoretical positioning of the research) and method(s) of data collection and analysis
  6. Discussion
  7. Reference list
*Where papers are conceptual/analytical rather than empirical, it is recognised that not all the above sections will apply.

Proposals for poster will be reviewed against the criteria of originality, quality, relevance and standard of writing/presentation.

(b) Actual Poster Presentation

  • One A1-sized poster per presentation Poster presentations will be available for viewing for the duration of the conference. An interactive poster viewing session will be held for authors to discuss their poster with other delegates.

  • A4-sized paper
  • Maximum 8 pages (including abstract, referencing, graphics & tables)
  • File size not exceeding 2 MB
  • Click here to download Formatting Guidelines
  • Click the link below to download the paper template:
    Working paper template
Working papers should contain the following*:
  1. Title

  2. Author(s)
  3. Background including reference to appropriate literature

  4. The research and/or issue under consideration
  5. Methodology (theoretical positioning of the research) and method(s) of data collection and analysis
  6. Discussion
  7. Reference list
*Where working papers are preliminary scientific/technical papers or intermediate stages of a proposal, solution, or a project being worked on, it is recognised that not all the above sections will apply.

All working papers with accepted abstracts will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation which will include 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

PHD PAPERS (to be submitted by PhD students only)
  • A4-sized paper
  • Maximum 8 pages (including abstract, referencing, graphics & tables)
  • Do not include page numbers, header & footer
  • File size not exceeding 2 MB
  • Click here to download Formatting Guidelines
  • Click the link below to download the paper template:
    PhD paper template
PhD papers should contain the following*:
  1. Title

  2. Author(s)
  3. Background including reference to appropriate literature

  4. The research and/or issue under consideration
  5. Methodology (theoretical positioning of the research) and method(s) of data collection and analysis
  6. Discussion
  7. Reference list

*Where PhD papers are preliminary scientific/technical papers or intermediate stages of a proposal, solution, or a project being worked on in the pursuit of a PhD degree, it is recognised that not all the above sections will apply.

All PhD papers with accepted abstracts will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation which will include 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

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