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Submission Types
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Organising Committee

Submission Types

The TTLC2014 Committee is pleased to invite you to submit conference papers under the overarching conference theme of Holistic Education : Enacting Change.

All submissions should relate to this broad theme and address one or more of the conference sub-themes.

Only accepted full refereed papers will be considered for publications

Full refereed paper Poster Working paper PhD Paper
Full refereed papers should describe completed studies based on qualitative or quantitative analytical methods. These papers must demonstrate a thorough understanding and rigorous analysis of current issues in higher education, leading to well-argued conclusions. Proceeding will be published
Guidelines for submission
Poster submissions will be evidence-based and should outline the background/ context and outcomes. Posters allow participants with similar interests to interact by using the poster as a discussion point.  Please note that presentations accepted in this category are NOT considered refereed papers.
Guidelines for submission
Working papers are preliminary scientific or technical papers or intermediate stages of a proposal, solution, etc, arrived at or being worked on. Working papers allow the authors to share ideas about a topic or to elicit feedback. Please note that presentations accepted in this category are NOT considered refereed papers.
Guidelines for submission
PhD papers are working papers authored by postgraduate students e.g. PhD candidates which allow the authors to share ideas about a topic or to elicit feedback through dialogue and conversation in a relatively informal session. Please note that presentations accepted in this category are NOT considered refereed papers.
Guidelines for submission

Authors who wish to submit full refereed / poster/ working paper / PhD paper, but not able to attend the conference in person, you may opt for virtual presentation.
  • Mode and guidelines of virtual presentation will be announced soon.
  • Virtual participants will receive a full copy of the conference proceedings.
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