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Our aim is to provide a series of workshops and presentations that are aligned to the theme of Holistic Education. We hope to open up opportunities for our participants to explore education beyond the confines of a classroom to instil students with lifelong-learning skills, and prepare them for a life of fulfilments and productivities.

While we are reviewing and finalizing our programme details, please visit the other pages of our website for more information on TTLC 2014.

TTLC 2014 Programme Structure

14 November 2014, Friday
Pre-Conference Workshops

15 November 2014, Saturday TTLC 2014 (Day 1)
08:00-9:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 Welcome address by TTLC 2014 Chairperson, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tang Siew Fun
09:10-09:20 Opening address by Vice Chancellor and President, Taylor’s University,
Prof. Dato’ Dr. Hassan Said
09:20-09:35 Speech by Director General, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education,
Ybhg. Dato’ Professor Dr. Asma Binti Ismail
09:35-09:45 Opening Ceremony and Launch of Taylor’s University 2nd Transcript and SHINE
Award by Ybhg. Dato’ Professor Dr. Asma Binti Ismail
09:45-10:45 Keynote address: “Holistic Pedagogy: Inclusion, Balance and Connection”
by Prof. Dr. Jack Miller
10:45-11:15 Tea Break
11:15-13:15 Parallel Session #1
  • Paper presentation
  • Experiential track #1: “Holistic Living: Taking Stock of Your Life”
    by Jim Warner
  • Culturing 21st Century Competencies workshop #1: “Living with Purpose!”
    by Delicia Ng Ly-Ann & Koh Jee Yin, Taylor’s College
13:15-14:30 Lunch
  • Poster presentation will take place in The Grand Hall during lunch
14:30-16:30 Parallel Session #2
  • Paper presentation
  • Experiential track #2: “An Experiential Workshop on Essence”
    by Jim Warner
  • Culturing 21st Century Competencies workshop #2: “Learning about Learning”
    by Foo Siew Shya (Wendy Loo), Taylor’s College
16:30-17:00 Tea Breaks
17:00-18:00 Keynote address: “Character Program: Eight Keys of Excellence”
by Bobbi DePorter
18:30-20:00 An evening with Dato’ Loy Teik Ngan, Group CEO Taylor’s Education Group

16 November 2014, Sunday TTLC 2014 (Day 2)
08:00-9:00 Registration
09:00- 09:45 Keynote address: “Authentic, Enduring Relationships: The Cornerstones of Holistic Living”
by Jim Warner
09:45- 10:15 Tea break
10:15- 12:45 Parallel Session #3
  • Paper presentation
  • Experiential track #3: “An Experiential Workshop on Meaning”
    by Jim Warner
  • Culturing 21st Century Competencies workshop #3: “Different Learners, Different Leaders:
    What’s My Fit?”
    by Nancy Lee Ming See, Taylor’s College
  • Culturing 21st Century Competencies workshop #4: “Authentic Learning: Equipping learners with the ‘right toolbox’.”
    by Indraselvi Pararajasingam & Macrina Francesca Stephen Yap, Taylor’s College
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Parallel Session #4
  • Paper presentation
  • Experiential track #4: “An Experiential Workshop on Transition and Transformation”
    by Jim Warner
  • Culturing 21st Century Competencies workshop #5: “I create, You create, Edu create”
    by Kwa Pei Yeen & Adeline Poh Wan Hui , Taylor’s College
15:30-16:00 Tea break
16:00-17:00 Forum on Holistic Education
17.00-18:00 Closing ceremony and Best Paper Award Presentation
by Deputy Vice Chancellor, Taylor’s University, Dr. Pradeep Nair

Click here for Parallel Session

17 November 2014, Monday
Tour to Kuala Lumpur city
Tour to Malacca Heritage city
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