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Keynote Speakers

In addition to an exciting keynote, each speaker will be conducting an exclusive masterclass for TTLC2015 participants.

What happens at a TTLC Masterclass?

A TTLC Masterclass enables participants to engage with our 3 top experts in a smaller setting for a more tailored and intimate learning experience. Each masterclass is led by our award-winning and highly esteemed TTLC Keynote speakers. They will be sharing their experience and innovative approaches addressing the theme of “Assessment for Learning”. You can read more about their achievements below:

Professor Dr. Colin Beard

Professor of Experiential Learning
Sheffield Business School
United Kingdom

Keynote address:
Innovative Experiential Pedagogies That Support Assessment For Learning

Masterclass (Workshop):
Redesigning the student learning experience: a fundamental change?

Prof Colin Beard will briefly demonstrate two powerful, experiential approaches to the development of critical and conceptual thinking in higher education.

The first experiential method will involve the facilitation of the first year student understanding of critical, creative and conceptual thought using a simple assignment assessment model that is colour-coded and simple to understand. Many lecturers have adopted this particular technique across the globe. This method simply begins by using words created by students on a whiteboard, using four coloured pens. Participants will be encouraged to experience the ease by which students learn to shift to increasingly higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.

The second technique to be introduced will demonstrate the experiential teaching of a complex topic (the circular economy) to students. Using over 100 commercial products currently found in the marketplace, this approach will demonstrate how high levels of learning within higher education follows similar fundamental principles. This technique develops an enquiring mind, and it can also be used to teach creativity and innovation.

Professor Colin Beard is a Professor of Experiential Learning and holds a PhD in the subject. He is also an author and researcher, specializing in experiential learning, in addition to other areas such as teaching excellence programmes, learning and development, people management, critical thinking, creativity and innovation, and business and the environment. He was awarded a UK National Teaching Fellowship in 2005.

Using his education and vast experience in the subject, Professor Colin has developed a series of innovative pedagogic approaches using experiential forms of learning. He runs these workshops worldwide and is an experienced keynote speaker, having delivered close to 50 speeches thus far. A comment from the UK’s Higher Education Academy report, when describing his keynote address, stated: ‘the most frequently used word describing this keynote was ‘‘inspirational’’. Without a doubt he won over the audience and many said it was the best keynote for ages’. Professor Colin is the author of five international texts, more than 20 book chapters and 12 government department publications.

Awards & Achievements:

  • National Teaching Fellowship, UK Higher Education Academy
  • Ph.D in Experiential Learning, M.Ed. B.Sc.
  • Fellow Royal Society of Arts
  • Chartered Fellow Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, UK
  • Adjunct Visiting Professor – Central University of Finance & Economics, Beijing China
  • Visiting Fellow Researcher, Centre of Experiential Learning, Peking, University China

Dr Fay Patel

International Higher
Education Consultant

Former Director,
Education Management,
Monash University, Malaysia

Keynote address:
Locating Assessment as Authentic Learning in the “Glocal” Sphere

Masterclass (Workshop):
Education Innovators Forum on Assessment as Authentic Learning

Dr. Fay Patel will introduce the Education Innovators Forum to demonstrate how participants can engage in dialogue on learning and teaching questions about assessment as authentic learning and raise concerns that matter. Participants are required to set the agenda and identify topics and/or issues that are of critical concern which they will facilitate for 5 minutes each.

After the initial discussion, participants work in teams on a theme and make an effort to reach consensus on what actions are required to resolve the matter. At the end of the session each team presents their action plan and makes a commitment to take it forward in their respective learning environments, as relevant to their contexts.

Dr Fay Patel has thirty years teaching, research and educational development experience in higher education in an international context (Malaysia, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA and South Africa).

Dr. Fay is an in-demand speaker, having been invited to multiple international forums in the Asia-Pacific region, for example, the Generation Forum and Quality Assurance in Curriculum Design. She also co-hosted the Assessment as Learning for Global Citizenship - Dilemmas and Opportunities across Disciplines symposium for academic and professional staff in 2013 in Melbourne with Dr Matthew Piscioneri (Monash University) which attracted participants from Australian universities.

She is also an co-author and co-editor of a number of noted publications, including “Online Learning: An Educational Development Perspective”; “Technology Innovation Leadership in Development: A ‘Middle East’ (West Asia) Perspective”; and paper “Enabling Leadership in Teaching and Learning: Balancing Creativity and Compliance Agendas in Australian Higher Education”

Dr. Christopher Charles Deneen

Assistant Professor
The National Institute of Education of Nanyang Technological University Singapore

Keynote address:
Technology-enabled assessment for learning: A way forward

Masterclass (Workshop):
Integrating technology and assessment for meaningful results

Technology is often seen as a “add in” for existing programs and courses. This masterclass will collaboratively explore ways to better integrate effective technology use into curricula. Special attention will be paid to use of technology to enhance assessment for, as and of learning.

1. Participants share and critique current practices in the use of technology to enhance learning and assessment
2. Explore frameworks of understanding and practice that may enable more effective technology-enabled assessment and learning
3. Co-develop initial plans of action that participants may take back to their respective institutions.

Dr. Christopher Charles Deneen is an assistant professor at The National Institute of Education of Nanyang Technical University in Singapore. He is also co-director of the Masters of Arts in Leadership and Educational Change Programme (MALEC), co-sponsored with Columbia University’s Teachers College. In his current work, Dr. Deneen focuses on technology-enabled assessment, assessment for learning and achieving assessment change in multiple education contexts.

After earning his doctorate from Columbia University’s Teachers College, Dr. Deneen served as a college teacher and administrator in New York City. During this period, Dr. Deneen gained extensive experience designing, enhancing, researching, and analyzing technology-enhanced assessment and learning in higher and professional education settings. This includes program design, large- to small-scale assessment, evaluation systems, course planning, and quality assurance activities. In both his past and current work, Dr. Deneen has enabled development activities for higher education professionals, engaged in effective policy building, and managed programs.

In 2009, Dr. Deneen moved to the Asia-Pacific region. He spent two years at the Hong Kong Institute of Education and three years at The University of Hong Kong. In his current work at NIE/NTU, Dr. Deneen is developing graduate courses and research tracks that address assessment issues relevant to local, regional and global contexts.

Dr. Deneen is the author of two books on assessment and a growing list of peer-reviewed journal articles. He has delivered numerous conference papers on technology-enabled assessment and related topics.

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